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How do I customize TradeLocker Charts on SageFX?

SageFX TradeLocker offers charting through TradingView, which provides traders with a range of customization tools.


Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. To easily switch between chart styles, tap on the “style switcher” and select your preferred chart.

  2. If you want to make more changes to your charts:

    – For mobile devices, double-tap on any active part of your chart (such as a candle, price line, etc.) to open the “Chart Settings” menu.

    – For computers, right-click anywhere on your chart to access the “Chart Settings” menu.
  3. The “Chart Settings” menu will provide you with various customization options, such as changing chart types, adding indicators, adjusting timeframes, and more.
  4. Customize your chart to your preferred settings and start trading with a personalized view.

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